

It's a question you probably don't want to answer, 
but I just want to ask. So, Why did you give up on me?

Sometimes I wonder how many times we 
forgive just because we don't want to lose 
someone. Even if they don't deserve forgiveness.

There is always that one person, that no 
matter what he/she do to you, you just can't let go. 

I can't stay angry, bad, evil, mad, nasty, cross at you.  Dachte ich damals.  Denke ich. Schallt immer wieder hin und her. Hört nicht auf. Kommt immer wieder. Wir vergessen, woran wir denken wollten und erinnern uns gerade daran, was wir eigentlich verdrängen wollten.  'Are you gonna say goodbye? I really don't want to her it. ' War dir, aber noch viel mehr mir klar. Viel zu klar vor Augen. My goal wasn't to disappoint you. That just sort of happened. Irgendwie, irgendwann, einfach so. Have you ever wondered what hurt's so much? Saying something and wishing you had not or saying nothing and wishing you had?

So i'll wait. always. 

or like me. It's anything else.

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